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Bucerius Institute for Research of Contemporary German History and Society
Bucerius Institute for Research of Contemporary German History and Society

The Bucerius Institute at the University of Haifa conducts research on social and historical topics as encountered in modern Germany. The Institute aims to make contemporary Germany a subject of historical inquiry and through this endeavor promote German-Israeli exchange in particular.

The Bucerius Institute has promoted intensive academic exchange since its 2001 establishment by the ZEIT STIFTUNG BUCERIUS. The Institute facilitates research stays by doctoral and post-doctoral candidates as well by professors, it hosts international academic events, and it enriches scholarly discourse through the contributions of its own academic staff.

Long-term research stays, especially for young scholars (university students, doctoral candidates and postdocs), promote familiarity and understanding extending beyond the academic sphere and the borders of individual disciplines. Lecture series – such as those on migration or integration – as well as guest lectures, workshops and conferences serve to portray facets of Germany's political and social reality in the heart of Israel. The ZEIT STIFTUNG BUCERIUS has been supporting this important vehicle of exchange for more than twenty years, all in a very special place: the University of Haifa stands as a unique scholarly community, featuring an Arab enrollment of roughly 40 percent of the university’s 18,000 students.

Further information can be found here.

Contact person:
Matthias Koch, Project Manager, koch@zeit-stiftung.de



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